Re-Opening Covid Safe - what you need to know

All Little Snappers Swim Schools will be re-opening 15 June 2020
We ask that all customers read and consent to the following entry conditions & procedures before entering a Little Snappers Swim School
We are currently operating under a “Swimming Pool & Aquatic Centre Industry COVIDSafe Plan”.
Only customers booked for lessons are allowed on site.
Only 1 carer allowed to accompany each swimmer, unless prior arrangements have been made.
Please arrived dressed, ready to swim, as change rooms will not be available before you swim.
Please remember to bring your own goggles.
All parents must adhere to LITTLE SNAPPERS “Parental Code of Conduct” at all times.
Please do not enter if:
In the last 14 days you have been in close contact (as defined in the current CDNA guidelines) with someone who has COVID-19, or returned to Australia from overseas.
You are currently unwell with a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, or other cold/flu-like symptoms, or have been unwell in the last 72 hours, especially with cold or flu type symptoms.
Do not enter more than 5 minutes early for your lesson. Please wait in your vehicle until our supervisor opens the entry gate 5 minutes before class start time.
Entry procedure:
Only enter at the front gate. Please use the hand sanitiser station and assist your child to as well.
Once on site, proceed to reception to record name, phone & date of each visitor to site.
Please observe social distancing guideline of 1.5m where reasonably practicable whilst on site.
Reception will direct you to sit in the designated areas.
Children must be seated next to their parent, or on their lap where possible. Keep arms reach to your child when waiting. Minimise movement around the centre & remain seated if possible.
Movement procedure:
Keep under the maximum restricted number of patrons posted in each area.
Only wait in the designated areas.
Please minimise touching of any surface at our centre, wait for our supervisor or teachers to open entry gates and pool gates where possible.
Lesson Procedure:
Remain seated until all patrons from the previous class have exited the pool and waiting areas, and your teacher calls you, before you or your child enters the pool area.
Maintain social distance of 1.5m while in the pool, where practicable.
Exit Procedure:
After your lesson, leave from the pool directly to the closest exit, without changing, where practicable. Big pool via back deck. Small pool via front gate.
Wipe all change tables with disinfecting wipes after use. Showers are not available.
If using change areas, leave via the closest exit.
Your child is participating in an activity where social distancing of 1.5m is not reasonably practicable. Due to the nature of instructing swimming, there are times where your teacher must make contact with your child for safety/instruction purposes. We modify our instruction, activities and pool areas to maximise your opportunity to social distance in your lesson, and we ask you to do so where reasonably practicable. By entering, you consent to these conditions.
For your peace of mind please understand that chlorine works like a disinfectant
and therefore helps prevent infection.
In addition to the above entry policies we have put in place some extra processes so as to ensure all areas will be as germ-free as possible.
Hand sanitiser at the front gate to be used upon entry (compulsory)
Disinfection of all gates, pool handrails and seating regularly
Toilets and change rooms cleaned after each use
We will continue to monitor health department warnings and updates and change policies and risk management as needed.
LITTLE SNAPPERS has the right to refuse service and we insist that anyone who shows symptoms of COVID-19 leave the centre.
Thank you for your co-operation at this time.