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Find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

  • Get Started
    Get started on the Parent Portal with Little Snappers Swim School. Once you have downloaded our app, choose your Little Snappers Swim School location. If you already have an account, click Reset Password, enter your email to create a new password, and log in. Keep in mind, if you have a booking, you already have an account! If you're new, click Create Account and follow the instructions. Our app features four main tabs: Dashboard, Booking, Account, and More. Dashboard: Get a quick overview of our venue and stay updated with the latest news and events. Booking: Find and book classes for your Little Snapper. Use this tab for new or additional bookings you wish to add to your schedule (not for makeups or changing class times). Account: Manage your lessons here. Update payment details, student information, contact details, record absences, book makeup lessons and view your child's progress. More: Access notifications, policies, and stay up to date with news and announcements. Before making your first booking, ensure you complete the necessary details in the Account tab and add a student.
  • What is the Parent Portal?
    The Parent Portal is the tool that we use to manage your account information, bookings, absences, makeup lessons and payments. It is also used to track skills and achievements of your child. Easy Bookings: Schedule swim classes effortlessly. Notify Absences: Notify us of absences for makeup class tokens. Simple Makeup Classes: Easily book makeup lessons. Track Progress: Monitor your child's swimming skills and achievements. Manage Siblings: Track schedules and progress for multiple kids in one place. Seamless Payments: Pay swim school fees securely. Stay Informed: Get updates on news, events, and schedule changes. You can learn more about it here.
  • How do I access the Parent Portal?
    There are several ways to access the Parent Portal. Download the Little Snappers Swim School App Apple App Store here Google Play Store here Access the Parent Portal via any web browser here. (we recommend Chrome)
  • How do I download the Little Snappers Swim Schools app?
    The Little Snappers Swim Schools app is available on iPhones and androids. Apple App Store here Google Play Store here Instructions on how to login can be found here.
  • Do I need to download the App to manage my account?
    No, it is not a requirement to download the app in order to manage your account. You are welcome to access your account information via any web browser. Although the app ensures efficiency and customer ease in logging in and management of features.
  • I can't seem to create a new account in the Parent Portal. Can you help?
    If you have previously emailed us or submitted an online inquiry form, it is likely that you already have an account in the Parent Portal. To access your account, please use the "Forgot Password" option to reset your password and gain access by following the prompts in your email.
  • I can't find a makeup class in the Parent Portal. Can you help me?
    There are a few possible reasons for issues with makeup classes: If your child has recently changed levels and you are still owed makeup lessons, our team must manually adjust the level assigned to your makeup token to open up new options for you. Please send us an email or see us at your next visit. Your child may be assigned a level without many options in our schedule. There are some levels that are more popular than others. The more popular a level is the more options will be available for makeup. If this is the case, speak to a customer care member to assign more level options to your makeup tokens. This will mean you might need to book a level up or down from your students actual level to accomodate. If you continue to have technical difficulties booking a makeup class in the Parent Portal, please see one of our friendly customer care team members at your next visit, or please send us an email.
  • How do I change my child's class time?
    To change your Child's class: Navigate to the Account tab and select the child whose class you want to change. Choose the Enrollment option. Find the current class and tap the Transfer Enrollment button. Browse the available class times at the same level to find one that fits your schedule. Use the filters at the top of the screen to display only available class openings. Once you find a suitable time, follow the prompts to confirm your transfer request.
  • How do I make a new booking in the Parent Portal?
    How to make a new booking in the Parent Portal: Go to the Booking tab and click "Find a Class." Select the child you want to enrol or click "Add New Student." Then tap "See Classes." Browse our class timetable to find a suitable time for your child at their level. If you are unsure of their level, navigate to our Online Assessment tool to determine your child's level first. Use the booking filters at the top of the screen to quickly narrow down options by day, level, and availability. Once you find a convenient class time, tap on the class, select "Enrol Now," and follow the prompts to complete your booking.
  • How do I record a future absence in the Parent Portal?
    To notify us of your child's absence from a class: Go to the "Account" tab. Select the student you wish to mark absent. Choose the "Future Absences" option. Select the "By Date" option and follow the prompts to enter the dates for the absence. Please remember to mark your child's absence at least 24 hours before the class to receive a makeup token. To view your child's previous attendance records, go to the "Attendance" section in their student profile.
  • How do I book a makeup lesson in the Parent Portal?
    How to Schedule a Makeup Lesson In the app, navigate to the Account tab and select the student you need to book a makeup lesson for. Click on the Makeups section. Choose the "Available Makeup Token" from the provided drop-down list. Follow the instructions to select and confirm a suitable time slot. Please note that makeup tokens might take up to 24 hours to appear after your missed class. Only excused absences are eligible for a makeup token. An excused absence is one which has been notified through the Parent Portal 24 hours in advance.

Little Snappers Swim Schools are boutique aquatic education centres. Our philosophies are unique and child centred. We teach babies to adults, all ages & all stages through love & laughter. Join us in our fight to end childhood drowning! Swim Confidently. Swim at Little Snappers. Book today!

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